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On the Rocks Page 15

  “Chyna!” Kaleo yells. Chyna looks back. “You have to distract the audience. Can you do that?”

  “What do you mean?” Chyna panics. Her mind is all over the place.

  “The ambulance is coming and they’re probably gonna have to take her out on a stretcher,” Kaleo explains his plan, “I’m gonna have them take her through the back door, but they still need to take her out of the office and into the main part of the club to get there. So, I need you to keep the audience looking the other way. We don’t need them to start panicking. Can you do that for me?”

  “Ok, yeah. I can do that,” Chyna responds half-heartedly. She leaves the room and goes back to watching the drag show from side-stage. Only this time, she’s watching the audience and starts thinking of possible ways to get the entire crowd to look the other way.

  Not even a minute later, Ryan runs into the office. Kaleo doesn’t look up, his focus is on Jimmy, who is working hard on Robin.

  “Kaleo!” Ryan says to get Kaleo’s attention, only then does he notice Robin on the floor. “Oh my God.”

  “Ryan?” Kaleo is confused as to why he, of all people, is standing at the door to Robin’s office. “Don’t worry, Ryan, we got this under control.”

  “No,” Ryan deflects, “Malu just got stabbed.”

  “WHAT?!!” Kaleo shrieks.

  The Wongs look at Ryan with faces that say What is going on at this club?

  “Yeah, there was some gang that rushed him outside,” Ryan explains.

  “Did you call an ambulance?” Kaleo asks frantically, but then realizes they already have one ambulance on the way for Robin. His mind starts racing, Shit, did we call them twice? Are they sending two ambulances or did they think that two people called for the same situation and they are only sending one? Can they fit Robin and Malu in the same ambulance? Will they even allow that?

  Before Kaleo’s head explodes with unanswerable questions, Ryan informs, “No, Ashley rushed him to the ER. They’re on their way there now.”

  Slightly relieved that there would be no mix up or confusion of ambulances, Kaleo snaps back into reality. He quickly registers that instead of one emergency, he now has two situations on his hands. Amidst his millions of thoughts, he suddenly realizes that with Ashley and Malu gone, no one is working the front desk and Sam is the only door man.

  Things start to move in a strange, slow-motion sort of way. Kaleo looks at the Wongs, who watch their son try to save their tenant. He follows their gazes down to Jimmy giving CPR to Robin, then back up to Ryan, who’s staring at him for what to do next. At that very moment, it all became clear. Kaleo has a rude awakening. Understanding that there’s no one else to take the lead in this situation, Kaleo realizes it has to be him.

  He changes his tone to a man who means business and begins to give orders, “Ryan, there’s an ambulance on the way to the club right now. I need you to go outside and wait for them. When they get here, you take them around the back to this door and you make sure none of these guests in here notice.”

  “Ok, got it,” Ryan understands his duty.

  “Go,” Kaleo relieves him. He looks to Jimmy’s parents and knows he needs their help as well. “Mr. and Mrs. Wong, I am so sorry for you to see us like this. I have no idea what’s going on tonight, but I promise you that it’s not usually like this. I need your help. Please,” Kaleo begs with desperation in his voice. The Wongs nod in agreement.

  Kaleo divulges his plan, “Mr. Wong, I need you to open the back door and wait there until you see Ryan and the paramedics coming. Mrs. Wong, I need you stand right outside this office, so you can see your husband and you can see Chyna on stage at the same time. Mr. Wong, as soon as you see the paramedics heading toward you, you let your wife know they’re coming and, Mrs. Wong, as soon as you see his signal, you cue Chyna to let her know that it’s time for her to distract the audience. Got it?”

  “Understand,” Mrs. Wong says calmly, while Mr. Wong just bows in comprehension. They leave the room and man their posts.

  Jimmy looks up at Kaleo while still giving chest compressions, “Go. I got this.”

  They look into each other’s eyes and share a quick second of intimate silence. “Thank you,” Kaleo says with a tender tone.

  Jimmy nods and encourages his crush, “Go!”

  Kaleo makes his way out of the office, leaving Jimmy alone with Robin. Passing by the back bar and without stopping his cadence, he fires commands, “Momi, I need you at the front bar.”

  “Why?” Momi asks confusedly.

  “I just need you at the front bar please,” Kaleo directs.

  Momi realizes that Kaleo is on some sort of serious mission and just complies, “Ok.” She grabs her bar key and heads over to the front bar.

  Kaleo looks over at Tisha and Beau, “You guys got this?”

  “We got it,” Tisha responds feeling his intense energy.

  “What’s going on?” Beau asks cluelessly. Kaleo ignores him and make his way toward the front.

  At the front bar, Momi passes Parker without saying a word and settles into Kaleo’s spot. Parker gets thrown off. What is she doing here? Following just behind her, Parker notices Kaleo coming at him with a purpose. Worried about his distressed friend, Parker asks, “You ok?”

  Kaleo stands on the customer’s side of the bar, in the middle of Parker and Momi, so they both can hear. He shouts over the music playing, but not loud enough for the guests to hear, “I need you both to run the club for me.”

  “What do you mean?” Parker asks.

  “Malu got stabbed,” Kaleo reveals.

  “What?! Is he ok?” Momi is terrified at the news.

  “I don’t know, but Ashley took him to the hospital, so I hope so,” Kaleo replies. “Listen, I’m gonna have to shift everyone around since they’re gone, ok?”

  “Yeah, do what you need to do,” Parker encourages.

  “Also, there’s an ambulance coming, so as much as possible, I need you guys to keep the paramedics out of sight,” Kaleo instructs.

  “Wait. Didn’t you just say that Ashley already took Malu to the ER?” Momi asks.

  “Yeah, why don’t you just cancel the ambulance?” Parker suggests.

  “No, the ambulance is for Robin,” Kaleo discloses.

  “WHAT?!” They say is unison.

  “What’s wrong with Robin?” Parker questions.

  “I don’t know. We went to her office and she was passed out on the floor,” Kaleo responds trying to leave his emotions out of it.

  “Oh my God, is she ok?” Momi is concerned.

  “She’s barely breathing, but Jimmy’s giving her CPR right now, until the paramedics arrive,” Kaleo informs his two friends.

  “Jimmy?” Parker’s never heard of a Jimmy.

  “I’ll explain later,” Kaleo knows there’s no time to explain the whole Jimmy situation. “When they come, I’m gonna hop in the ambulance and go with Robin to the hospital. So, if anything happens… I mean shit, I don’t know what else could happen tonight, but if something does… just deal with it ok?”

  “We got it,” The say in unison and look at each other.

  “Don’t worry about the club, you just do whatever you gotta do. We’ll keep everything under control,” Parker consoles.

  “I’ll text Ash and find out how Malu’s doing,” Momi offers.

  “Cool. Thanks guys.” Kaleo looks at his two friends with sincerity.

  Kaleo leaves the awkward exes and heads around the back of the bar. “CHICO! YUKI! Come here,” he yells. “Listen, Ashley and Malu had to leave, so I need you guys to fill in for them.” He decides there’s no time to explain why.

  “Ok, papi,” Chico says with a smile and asks no questions.

  “Sweet! I like change,” Yuki gets excited.

  “Yuki, I need you to work the front desk. It’s forty-five dollars per person, even if they’re a regular. No exceptions! It’s a fundraiser, so everybody pays,” Kaleo mandates.

  “Hai!” Yuki responds wit
h a Yes! in Japanese.

  “Chico, I need you to be a doorman and help Sam out,” Kaleo directs.

  “Yaaasss! Come on, doorman!” Chico responds with glee.

  “Work the door, make a couple rounds inside… just protect the guests, yeah?” Kaleo instructs.

  “Gotcha boss,” Chico agrees.

  Kaleo walks outside the club to check out the aftermath. There are a few people smoking outside, but otherwise the streets are calm. It’s as if nothing ever happened. The air is still and there’s a looming feeling approaching. Feeling a drop of water fall on his cheek, he looks up and notices the heavy clouds in the night sky. Of course it’s gonna rain. Through the dark clouds, the full moon peeks its head out. AND IT’S A FULL MOON?! No fucking wonder! He looks to his left and notices Sam staring out in front of him blankly and mumbling under his breath.

  “I should’ve been there. I wasn’t there,” Sam mutters.

  “Sam! Are you ok?” Kaleo tries to get Sam’s attention.

  Sam looks at Kaleo. “I wasn’t there. I couldn’t protect him. I went to the bathroom at the wrong time. Why did I have to go to the bathroom? That’s my best friend and I wasn’t there for him.” Sam tries to make sense of the situation and his guilt.

  “Sam, it’s ok. You couldn’t have known.”

  “But he’s my best friend and I didn’t have his back. He always has my back.”

  “It’s ok, Sam. He’s my baby brother and I wasn’t there for him too, but he’s gonna be ok. Alright?” Kaleo grabs Sam’s big broad shoulders to get him to focus, “Listen, I know what happened is fucked up and Momi is gonna keep us updated on how he’s doing, but right now I need you to be here… mentally and physically here, and protect everyone else that’s still in this club ok? Can you do that for me?” Sam nods. “Chico’s gonna help you.”

  “Hola!” Chico comes walking in their direction innocently. He still hasn’t heard the news.

  Now that Chico has arrived, Kaleo explains the game plan to the both of them. “Ok guys, so there’s an ambulance on its way. It’s for Robin.”

  “WHAT?!” Chico and Sam say in unison. There eyes widen with hearing such shocking news.

  “Don’t worry, she’ll be fine. I’ll explain it all later.” Kaleo points at Ryan who’s out on the main street waiting for the ambulance, “Ryan is gonna intercept them and guide them to the back door. Just keep the path out here clear ok? And, as much as possible, try not to let the guests see. I mean, if they’re out here smoking, then whatever, but just try to keep the craziness out of sight. Yeah?”

  “Yup,” Sam says with a melancholy tone.

  “Gotcha boss,” Chico says with his naturally cheery demeanor.

  “Thanks guys, I owe you one,” Kaleo thanks his co-workers and heads back toward the entrance.

  Chico looks at Sam, “Wow, what an eventful night, huh?”

  “Man, you have no idea,” Sam responds.

  Just before Kaleo enters the club, he looks back and points at Sam, “Sam… it’s not your fault!” He gives him one last reassurance before going back in.

  Chico, not knowing what Kaleo meant, looks at Sam with skepticism, “Did you poison Robin?”

  Sam laughs and defends himself, “No! I don’t know what happened to Robin.”

  Back in the office, Jimmy continues to give Robin CPR. Sweat drips from his forehead as he speaks to her almost lifeless body, “Come on, don’t give up on me now.” He looks up and notices Kaleo sneaking back into the office and closing the door quickly, so that none of the guests can see what’s going on.

  “How’s she doing?” Kaleo asks.

  “I don’t know, but I’m doing everything I can,” Jimmy answers.

  “Thank you,” Kaleo says genuinely.

  “Don’t thank me yet,” Jimmy remarks. “Are they almost here?” He asks, referring to the ambulance.

  “They should be. Everybody is in place. Let’s just hope this all works out,” Kaleo breathes heavily.

  “It will,” Jimmy assures.

  Outside the club, the ambulance has just arrived. Having come to the club many times before, the paramedics are familiar with Violet. They pull up right outside the front doors and start heading for the entrance, but Ryan catches them in their tracks.

  “This way, guys!” Ryan redirects. “We’re gonna use the back door.”

  Sam holds the entrance shut, leaning his 300 pound body against the front doors.

  At this point, there are only two guests outside smoking, so Chico decides to befriend them and get them to believe a fake story. “Hey girls!”

  “What’s with the ambulance? What’s going on?” One of the girls asks.

  “Oh, it’s the thai food place just around the corner,” Chico lies. “There was a guy that was allergic to peanuts.”

  “What! Why would he even go there? Isn’t there like peanuts in almost every thai dish?” the other girl asks confoundedly as she takes another drag from her cigarette.

  Chico shrugs and the three of them watch Ryan and the paramedics disappear around the corner. “I guess he just couldn’t resist dem nuts,” Chico jokes to lighten the mood. The three new friends share a laugh.

  Back inside, The Fish y Chicks have just finished a few dance numbers. They corral back in their dressing room, taking a moment to breathe, drink water and change into their next costumes.

  Onstage, Chyna is talking to the audience to stall for time. She’s a natural on the mic. That is, she used to be. Having hosted many shows back in the day, her quick-wit serves her well, especially in high pressure situations. However, this time, knowing that her best friend is lying on the floor close to death, her thoughts are scrambled.

  “Let’s give it up for the Fish y Chicks one more time ladies and gentlemen,” Chyna starts. “What a night, huh?” She pauses for a second and tries to think of something to say, but her mind is so caught up on the image of Robin on the floor that she’s at a loss of words. “Uh…” She looks at the audience, who’s looking straight back at her and for the first time in her life, she understands what everyone is talking about when they say ‘stage fright.’

  Now silent onstage for almost an awkward amount of time, Chyna looks around the room for something to talk about. Grasping at straws, she finally spots the buffet line in the back of the club. “How’s the food?” She says into the mic. “I haven’t had a chance to try everything. Oh, you know, just being the host and all.” The audience chuckles politely. “Let’s give it up for our catering company, you guys. Yes, thank you!”

  Holding the back door open, Mr. Wong sees Ryan and the paramedics running toward him with a stretcher. He looks into the club and signals his wife to let her know that they have arrived.

  Mrs. Wong nods and starts waving her hands in the air to get Chyna’s attention, but it doesn’t work. Chyna continues rambling on.

  “You know what I noticed?” Chyna starts to get her groove back, “Have you ever noticed how local people are not shame to go back for seconds?” She looks down at her friend Derek who is now sitting at a table close to the stage. “That’s you, yeah Derek?” The audience laughs. “How many plates you had already?”

  Derek laughs, “This is my first one!”

  “No lie!” Chyna pokes fun at her old friend, “And more worse, he think just because he played music earlier tonight that he can eat for free. Too good, yeah? This is a fundraiser braddah, not even I can eat for free!” The audience starts to crack up. “Nah, nah, nah.”

  Just then, Chyna notices Mrs. Wong flapping her arms like a bird on the side of the stage. Oh shit! They’re here. Ok, ok, keep your cool, Chyna. Don’t let the audience know anything is up. Just when she felt she was winning the audience over, she gets slapped in the face with reality again. She knows she has to get the entire crowd to look away from the stage and toward the entrance of the club, but how? What do I do?

  She quickly has an internal chat with herself, Ok. Food, food. I already talked about the food. Shit, what else? What goes
with food? DRINKS! “Well, you can’t enjoy all the food without a good drink, am I right?” Chyna quickly blurts out, “Let’s give it up for our bartenders, ladies and gentlemen. First, here at the back bar, we have the beautiful Tisha. Not only can she make an amazing cocktail, but she’s a dancer, baby.’” Tisha sticks her tongue out and teases the audience with a light ‘twerk,’ but then stops and waves her finger ‘no-no.’ “Yaaasss! Oh nope, you gotta pay for the full twerk. Come on, somebody give that girl a dollar! Remember this is all for the fundraiser.”

  “Next to her, we have the beautiful… and cocky, Beau.” The audience laughs. Beau flexes his arms as if he’s in a bodybuilding competition, showing off and loving the attention. “Can you tell he’s straight?” Chyna makes fun of his poses. “Maybe one of you thirsty mahus can pop his cherry.”

  As she finishes poking fun at Beau, the paramedics enter the building with a stretcher and open Robin’s office door. Chyna knows she has to get the attention to the front of the club NOW! “And at our front bar, ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for the resident couple of the club, our very own Mr. and Mrs. Violet, Parker and Momi!” Chyna has yet to hear the news that they broke up.

  The entire audience turns around to look at Parker and Momi at the front bar as the spotlight shines on them. They wave and smile as the audience applauds. Knowing that the audience will soon look back at her and also knowing that the paramedics have not yet left the building, Chyna starts motioning to Parker and Momi to distract the audience. She makes big gestures with her body and she lips the words “DO SOMETHING!”

  Momi, understanding Chyna’s message loud and clear, tries to quickly think of something to keep and hold the audience’s attention. She looks at Parker, who’s looking back at her. Without any ideas, he shrugs his shoulders. Momi looks back at the audience, she knows what she needs to do.