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- Jared Paakaula
On the Rocks Page 12
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Page 12
Robin sighs. She grabs her purse and reaches for an envelope. She pulls it out and hands it to Chyna.
“What is this?” Chyna asks. She opens the envelope and unfolds the paper. At the top, it states Final Notice in bold print. “Final notice? For what?” She reads further and her jaw drops. “ROBIN! Why didn’t you say anything?”
The letter states that they have forty-five days to evacuate Violet. Since the rent hasn’t been paid for two months and they are now into their third month of deliquency, the building owners have finally decided to take action.
“I didn’t want anyone to worry,” Robin defends herself.
“No wonder your health is dropping. This is huge! You should’ve told me earlier,” Chyna scolds like a concerned parent. “Does any of the staff know?”
“No, and please don’t tell them,” Robin requests.
“Robin! You have to tell them,” Chyna reprimands.
“Tell them what?” She continues in a mocking tone, ‘Oh hey guys, here’s the list of duties for tonight. Oh, by the way, you’re all about to be jobless.’”
“Well, it’d be better than them finding out the day of the eviction,” Chyna argues her point. “Robin, they can help. We can all help. It’s not over yet. We still have a little over a month. If we come up with enough money, I think we could convince the building owners to keep Violet open.”
“Mary, they’re Chinese. The Wongs. They’re not gonna budge,” Robin expresses.
“You don’t know that. Plus, they may be Chinese, but I’m Chyna. I AM the Motherland, bitch!” Chyna jokes to lighten the mood.
“You’re not even, Chinese. You’re Korean, you slut,” Robin reminds her friend.
“Bitch, I’m anything I want to be! Plus, it’s called a ‘street corner professional,’ thank you very much, and I make things happen. My name isn’t ‘Chyna Make’ for nothing. I be chyna make that coin, chyna make that change… and you know first hand, that if there’s anything I know how to do, it’s how to make that money, honey! But right now, I’m chyna make you believe in yourself again because this pity show is ovah! You know what else is ovahz? Me.” Chyna points to herself and Robin rolls her eyes. (Ovahz is gay slang in Hawaii interchangeable with ‘stunning’ or ‘overly beautiful.’)
Chyna gets serious again, “You know what’s not over… this club. It ain’t over, ’til it’s over. And even then, we’re too stubborn to take no for an answer. We’ve always been like that. So, what’s different about this situation?”
“I’m tired, sis. I really am,” Robin admits.
Chyna slows her pace, “I know you are, babe, but we gotta fight. As long as we’re alive, we need to fight. We fought for our rights, we fought for equality and now we’re fighting for this club. Don’t you give up before it’s over,” Chyna asserts. “We need to start thinking of ways to make money. Maybe a fundraiser?”
“Who’s gonna give money to a gay club?” Robin says with zero hope.
“The gay community. DUH! I’m sure they would love to get involved!” Chyna points out matter-of-factly. “Violet is not just a place for people to get drunk and party, it’s a safe-space. Violet is where you can be anybody you want to be: male, female, gay, straight, trans or anything in between, and no one will judge you… except for those shoes you’re wearing.” She looks down at Robin’s sneakers covered in a butterfly print.
“Stop! It’s a daytime look,” Robin justifies.
“Well, it’s a look. That’s for sure.” Chyna makes fun of her friend and then continues, “Look, remember when everyone shunned us for wanting to transition? Remember how hard that was? We were lucky that we had each other. Violet is that place that we needed back then. It’s a place where you can run away from your super conservative family and find others who think the way you do. Think about everyone that you saved from committing suicide because they felt they weren’t alone. Violet is important and you know that! That’s why you started this club in the first place!”
A knock at the door cuts into the girls conversation. Robin’s doctor walks in and makes eye contact with her. “Robin, nice to see you again,” he says kindly with a smile. He looks over and notices Chyna, “Oh, hello. I’m Doctor Patel.” He extends his hand toward Chyna.
Chyna meets his hand with hers and begins to flirt, “Wow, Robin never mentioned that her doctor was tall, dark and handsome. I hope it’s ok that I’m here.”
“Would you behave yourself!” Robin scolds and then redirects her focus to Dr. Patel, “Sorry, she doesn’t get out much.”
He laughs, “Oh, it’s quite alright.” He looks back to Chyna, “Thank you, I’m flattered and if Robin is ok with you being here, then it is ok by me.” He redirects his focus, “Robin, how are you?”
“I’m ok, doctor. I’ve had this cough that I can’t get rid of and I’ve been feeling really weak,” Robin informs.
“Ok. Now, Robin… I have a little bit of bad news, nothing drastic though. Your white blood cell count is low. That is, perhaps, why you’ve developed this cough that you are complaining of. Have you been taking your medication?”
“Um… yes, well, kind of,” Robin responds. “I’ve missed a couple of days here and there.”
“Robin!” Chyna speaks up. Robin shoots a sharp look at her friend and Chyna falls back.
“I need you to start taking your ARVs regularly,” Dr. Patel advises. “Do you have something that you can log whether or not you’ve taken it? It will help you stay on track.”
“Yes, I have one on my phone,” Robin assures.
“Good.” Dr. Patel looks at Robin’s patient chart. “Now, you’ve also developed some high blood pressure. Is there anything in your life that’s giving you a hard time?”
Robin looks over the doctor’s shoulder and sees Chyna peering at her with her arms folded in front of her. “Well, work’s been a bit stressful recently, but I can handle it.”
“Ok. If it starts getting too much for you, I want you to back off and maybe ask someone else for help,” Dr. Patel suggests. “Is there someone that can help you with your tasks at work?
Chyna butts into the conversation, “Yes, doctor. I can help her.”
“Very good. In your condition, Robin, I need you to keep your stress levels down, ok?”
“Got it,” Robin assures.
“I’m going to prescribe you a high blood pressure medication for you to take at the same time as your ARVs, so you won’t have to remember different times for different pills. If your cough persists, come back and see me. We want to make sure that we stay on top of that.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Robin says with a smile.
Dr. Patel shakes Robin’s hand and then shakes Chyna’s, “It was a pleasure to meet you.”
“Likewise, doctor,” Chyna flirts.
“Take care, ladies.” He opens the door and walks out.
“He was CUTE!” Chyna blurts out as soon as the door closes.
“You think everyone is cute,” Robin says disapprovingly.
“And he’s a doctor. I bet you he has money! Do you think he was into me?” Chyna gets carried away. “Maybe we could get married and Dr. Patel and I can just buy the whole building that Violet is in. Then, you’ll just have to pay me the rent!”
Robin rolls her eyes. “Oh my God. Let’s go.”
20. Black & Tan
- 6 oz Pale Ale Beer
- 6 oz Guinness Stout Beer
*Pour Pale Ale Beer into pint glass, then float Guinness Stout Beer on top by slowly pouring it over the back of a spoon.
Back at the beach, Parker paddles back to shore; he’s had his fill for the day. After Kaleo left him suddenly, he wasn’t exactly sure how to feel; it was a lot to take in. He decided to stay out and surf a couple more waves to clear his head. With his focus and concentration all over the place, Parker’s surfing mirrored just the same. Falling off of his board and getting tossed by the waves, he looked like a beginner again. Figuring that he had embarrassed himself enough for one day,
he decided it was time to go home.
Once he reaches the shore, he looks around and sees a variety of people on the sand. To his left, he sees a bunch of friends playing volleyball. Man, I haven’t played volleyball in a long time. We should get the Violet crew together and set up a tournament. Right in front of him, there’s a family of five: a mom, a dad, two young boys and a girl. The mom reads her book as the dad buries his three kids in the sand. Cute! I wonder if Momi and I will ever have kids. I wouldn’t mind being a dad.
To his right and at a distance, he looks over and sees two girls walking away from him: a local Hawaiian girl and a black girl engaged in conversation. Those girls look like Momi and Tisha. It couldn’t be, though. Momi said she was helping her mom with something today.
Walking up the beach with his surfboard under his arm, he squints and tries to decipher if it really is Momi and Tisha. THAT IS THEM! Did she lie to me? Well, I don’t want to jump to conclusions. Maybe she finished helping her mom early and now she’s just hanging out with Tisha. That’s not a crime. He yells to get their attention, “MOMI!”
Being far enough away and without hearing or noticing Parker at all, Momi and Tisha start to make-out. Their kiss is a passionate one and one that lasts longer than a kiss between two friends should. The two girls hold each other for a little bit and then continue on their walk, now hand-in-hand.
WHAT THE FUCK?! Parker stops in his tracks. He can’t believe his eyes. Wait, maybe that’s not them. Maybe it’s some other chicks. “MOMI!” He yells out even louder this time. The family of five look at him like he’s a crazy, homeless person.
Momi looks back. She heard her name, but she can’t find who or where it’s coming from. Tisha heard it too, but she can’t find the source either.
Nope, that’s definitely them! Parker throws his surfboard down on the sand and starts running toward the girls. When he’s halfway to them, he yells again, “MOMI!” This time he knows he’s within range for them to hear.
Momi looks back again, but this time sees Parker charging toward them. “OH MY GOD!”
Hearing Momi’s reaction, Tisha turns around. “Holy Shit!” She says out loud, when she finally sees Parker coming at them like an angry bull.
Parker catches up to the girls, he’s visibly upset. Now with a mix of ocean water and sweat dripping down his face, he confronts the girls. “Oh, hi!” He says sneeringly.
“Dude, you can’t come charging at a black person like that,” Tisha warns.
“What are you doing here, Parker?” Momi asks, trying to play casual.
“Oh, I don’t know. Not making out with another chick, that’s for sure,” Parker answers sarcastically.
“What are you talking about?” Momi plays dumb.
“I saw you guys making-out, Momi. Don’t act like it didn’t happen,” Parker challenges.
Tisha looks over at Momi, “Wait, I thought you said he was cool with this.”
“I’ll explain later,” Momi says calmly to Tisha.
“Like hell you will, you’ll explain it now. For all of us. Cause God knows I don’t know what the fuck is going on,” Parker fumes.
A few people look in their direction. “Can we not do this here?” Momi tries to avoid any public confrontation.
“No, we’re doing this right here, right now!” Parker demands. “I don’t give a fuck who hears!”
“Yeah, actually, I’d like to hear what you have to say too,” Tisha sides with Parker.
Momi looks at Parker and says nonchalantly, “We’re in an open relationship, remember?”
“Open to sleeping with other people, not being in other relationships!” Parker rages.
“That’s all we’re doing. It’s not that big of a deal.” Momi tries to downplay the whole situation.
“I’m sure,” Parker says sardonically. “Walking on the beach romantically, holding hands and making-out. No big deal, huh?”
“It’s no different than what you were planning to do with that ice cream chick!”
“What are you talking about? It’s COMPLETELY different! That is a WHOLE different situation that you were in on. Plus, nothing ever happened, so don’t try and use that against me.” Parker changes his focus and looks over at Tisha, “Seriously, Tisha?”
Tisha throws her hands up, “I don’t really know what’s going on either.”
“Don’t bring her into this!” Momi defends Tisha.
“Well, excuse me for breaking up your little romantic date here,” Parker states sarcastically. “And, even if you are just sleeping together, I thought we weren’t supposed to sleep with close friends.” Momi is at a check-mate. She looks down and remains silent. Parker pauses to calm himself down. He starts back up with a quieter tone, “What the fuck is going on, Momi?”
Momi doesn’t say anything for a bit, Tisha turns her back and steps off to the side and Parker stands there waiting for an answer. Momi finally looks up at Parker with tears in her eyes, “I don’t know, babe.” Parker’s heart starts to melt slightly, but he’s still too amped. He doesn’t break and stands there waiting to hear more.
“I just… I love you so much…” Momi says, trying to catch her breath while crying. She calms herself down and continues, “I don’t know how it got this far and I never had any intention of hurting you…”
“What are you saying?” Parker wants Momi to clarify.
Still in full tears, Momi pauses. She takes a deep breath in and finally looks up at Parker, “I’m gay.” Tisha turns back around and looks at Momi; this is news to her as well.
“What?” Parker is shocked, but also confused.
Momi nods and looks him straight in the eyes, “I love you, Parker, and I always will, but I’m a lesbian. I didn’t realize it until recently.”
Parker grabs Momi and hugs her. As confused as he is, he knows that no one should have to feel guilty for coming out.
Still embraced by Parker, she speaks into his chest, “I think that’s why I always loved our open relationship and I only wanted threesomes with girls.” Momi then looks up at him, “You’re an amazing person, Parker, and you’ve been the best boyfriend a girl could ever hope for and you deserve to be with someone who can give you that in return. I can’t.”
Parker starts to tear up, but holds himself back from crying. He nods his head, but doesn’t say anything.
“I’m so sorry and I hope you can forgive me.” They kiss one last time and hug each other tightly. They pull apart and Momi gestures to Tisha, Let’s go. The two girls head back to Tisha’s car in silence, this time with distance between the two of them.
Parker just stands in a daze, watching the two girls walk away. What the hell just happened? Parker thinks to himself. First Kaleo, now Momi. He starts to feel like he just got emotionally slapped in the face. Realizing that his surfboard is still on the sand, he heads in that direction. Still trying to figure out if this is reality, he jumps back in the ocean at the shoreline hoping it will help cleanse his overcrowded mind. Man, what a fucking day.
21. Lava Flow
- 1 oz Light Rum
- 1 oz Malibu Coconut Rum
- 2 oz Strawberries
- 1 Small Banana
- 2 oz Pineapple Juice
- 2 oz Coconut Cream
- 1 cup Crushed Ice
*Blend together
Two weeks go by and what once was a simple idea thought up by Chyna, has now become a fully developed reality. Thanks to Violet’s Instagram page, the gay community buzzes with talk of the Violet Fundraiser. One post reads, $45 gets you dinner and a drag show. Come be entertained by the legendary Fish y Chicks and possibly even win a prize. *All tips collected on this night, from the performers and the bartenders, will be donated to our cause. Tonight is that night.
The bartenders set up their two bars like usual. Kaleo, having proved himself over the past few weeks, is assigned back to his usual register at the front bar. He, Parker and Chico arrange their wells and configure their bottles to prepare for the fun night a
“I see you got your old position back,” Parker starts conversation with Kaleo. “Congrats.”
“Thanks, but she still hasn’t given me back the keys to the club,” Kaleo worries.
“Baby steps,” Parker reassures, “you’ll get them back in time.”
The conversation ends. The two boys share a slightly, but not overbearingly awkward silence. Since their last surf session together, Parker and Kaleo have been pretending as if Kaleo never confessed his feelings for Parker. Trying to go back to their usual playful friendship, the two boys have lost their natural chemistry. Now on two different wavelengths, Parker wonders if they’ll ever get back to normal.
Parker looks over at Kaleo who’s looking down at the bar towel that he’s folding. He thinks, This weirdness between the two of us has gone on long enough. He sticks out his tongue and crosses his eyes, pulling his face in a weird way. He stands there and waits for Kaleo to look over.
From his peripheral vision, Kaleo notices that Parker has stopped moving. He looks over to see if he’s ok and starts to laugh. “You’re stupid,” Kaleo chortles, then makes a funny face back at his friend.
Parker walks up to Kaleo and gives him a big bear hug. Kaleo hugs him back. Feeling like it was exactly what they both needed, they embrace for a little longer than usual. They pull a part to look at each other, but keep their arms around each other’s waists. Parker looks down at Kaleo and in a mocking, but light-hearted way says, “I love you, Kaleo.”
“Pfffft,” Kaleo sneers and tries to push his friend away.
Parker holds tighter so Kaleo can’t get out of his grasp. He waits until Kaleo stops resisting and finally looks back up at him. “I do, though. And for what it’s worth, you know that if I was ever to be with a guy, it would be you.” Kaleo smirks and nods in response. “So, are we good?”
“Yeah, we’re good,” Kaleo affirms.
As the two boys are still holding each other, Beau comes walking up to their bar and shouts, “GAAAAAY!”
The two boys break their embrace and Kaleo fires back, “Shut up, Beau! You’re the biggest homo there ever was.”